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* samlak So many people have so many different reasons for having a tattoo on their body. Some for beautification, medical purpose, others for memories, while a large number of people have tattoo because it is becoming popular on social media and they would want to belong. Markings, drawings or better still, inscriptions made on the bodies for beautification, tradition or for any other reasons with ink or any coloured pigment are called Tattoos. Currently, this is definitely for me what is in vogue in our world today after social media. But the use of tattoo never started just recently or over some decades ago, it has been practiced for centuries in many cultures and spread throughout the world.
1) Getting tattooed can turn bad : Particularly red or similar colours (like purple, pink, orange etc) tend to cause more problems and damages compared to other colours. Red ink has even caused skin and flesh damages so severe that amputation of a leg or an arm has been necessary. When a tattooed area begins to cause even minor troubles, like becoming itchy or worse lumpy, then Danish experts strongly suggest removing the red parts.
2) You can get infected: This is a common occurrence especially in developing countries where the cost of obtaining quality tattooing materials is expensive. Tattoo artiste could be careless a times. Unsterilized tattooing equipments can transmit infectious diseases such as hepatitis, tuberculosis, infections of the skin, fungal infections, HIV, staph. The risk of infections is the reason the American Association of Blood Banks requires a one-year wait interval between getting a tattoo and donating blood. So it is extremely important to make sure that all materials used for tattooing are kept clean and sterilized always before use.
3) Having a bath or swimming is a nightmare: If you are thinking of getting a tattoo you might as well know that fresh tattoos are water resistant. In other words, avoid coming in contact with water for a week after getting a tattoo and when you take a bath it would sting and hurt badly. Therefore, the person who receives a tattoo must be sure to take good care for the tattooed area properly during the first week and after the pigments are injected.
4) Process of Tattoo removal is dangerous and risky : The expense and pain associated with removing tattoos are typically greater than the ones associated with applying them. The various processes involved in tattoo removal are widely seen by many to be dangerous especially the surgical use of tissue expanders (balloons are inserted under the skin, so that when the tattoo is cut away, scarring is minimized). Larger tattoos may require repeated surgery for complete removal. Other methods of tattoo removal include Dermabrasion, which involves abrading layers of skin with a wire brush or diamond fraise (a type of sanding disc). This method is very painful and always leaves a scar.
5) Allergic Reactions : According to medical scientist, every normal living human being is allergic to something except if not yet discovered by some persons. So that means some persons who wants to get tattooed could be allergic to some methods of Tattoo removal especially the laser treatments. There have been reports of individuals suffering allergic reactions after the use of laser treatments to remove tattoos, apparently because the laser caused allergic substances in the tattoo ink to be released directly into the body.
6) Nodule formation around tattoo areas: Particles of tattoo pigments can sometimes form granulomas when it comes in contact with the body. Granulomas are nodules that may form around materials that the body may perceive as unwanted and foreign.
7) Facing the moral society : Are you prepared to face the moral Society?
People with Tattoo are seen as Outcast in the christian community . You might as well be ready to live with the stigmatization that comes when you finally get a tattoo. In this part of the world, tattoo is not well accepted especially amongst Christians and persons who have them on their bodies are brandished irresponsible and dirty. In most cases they are preached to repent and asked to accept Jesus Christ’ as their personal lord and saviour. Also WHO (World Health Organization) has said that anybody with Tattoo should not be allowed to donate blood within 12 months of getting the tattoo (But there are exceptions see ( ), (this is why Popular Portuguese football star Cristiano Ronaldo do not have a single tattoo on his body because he donates blood to hospitals every year)
Keloid formation and MRI complications: MRI means magnetic resonance imaging and is a test that uses a magnetic field and pulses of radio wave energy to make pictures of organs and structures inside the body. It could be an X-ray, ultrasound, or computed tomography (CT) scan. There were reported cases of people with tattoo who experience swelling or burning in the affected areas when they undergo any MRI treatment.
9) Coping with desire to remove tattoo : Due to constant change in trends and styles, the once nice-looking permanent tattoo when first injected may be later called old-fashioned and embarrassing. So, the need or desire to update your tattoo style may arise which will lead to camouflaging. Camouflaging a tattoo involves the injection of new pigments either to form a new pattern or cover a tattoo with skin-toned pigments.
10) Complication during and after removal: Removal of tattoos from the body can cause a lot of damage to the skin. Despite advances in technology, removing a tattoo is a painful process, which usually involves series of treatment and is expensive too. It should be noted that complete removal without scarring may be impossible.
For more detailed pictures see
2017-01-09 10:30 · Reply · (0)

nei skrГЎ

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2017-01-09 15:48 · Reply · (0)
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<a href=>маятниковые, раздвижные, межкомнатные двери</a>|
<a href=>балконов и террас</a>|
<a href=>балконов и террас</a>|
<a href=>предметы интерьера</a>|
<a href=>Фацетный витраж в окна и двери</a>
<a href=>Мебель из стекла</a>|
<a href=>элементы декора</a>|
<a href=>Стеклянные лестницы</a>|
<a href=>Изготовление</a>|
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<a href=>Проектирование</a>|
<a href=>душевые пространства</a>|
<a href=>козырьки, полы, потолки</a>|
<a href=>Стеклянные панно</a>|
<a href=>Изготовление</a>|
<a href=>Установка и Обслуживание конструкций</a>|
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<a href=>Душевые пространства</a>|
<a href=>Установка и Обслуживание конструкций</a>|
<a href=>Стеклянные полы</a>|
<a href=>предметы интерьера</a>|
<a href=>предметы интерьера</a>|
<a href=>Фацетный витраж в окна и двери</a>|
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<a href=>маятниковые, раздвижные, межкомнатные двери</a>|
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Distribution and promotion of goods and services on the Internet, social pages, groups, posts.
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2017-01-09 18:13 · Reply · (0)
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<a href=>Балюстрады - ограждения балконов</a>|
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<a href=>Душевые пространства</a>|
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<a href=>маятниковые, раздвижные, межкомнатные двери</a>|
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<a href=>балконов и террас</a>|
<a href=>козырьки, полы, потолки</a>|
<a href=>предметы интерьера</a>
<a href=>Стеклянные лифтовые шахты</a>|
<a href=>Стеклянные лифтовые шахты</a>|
<a href=>Балюстрады - ограждения балконов</a>|
<a href=>Изготовление</a>|
<a href=>Стили интерьера</a>|
<a href=>Стеклянные лестницы</a>|
<a href=>Мебель из стекла</a>|
<a href=>Зеркальные панно</a>|
<a href=>Стеклянные панно</a>|
<a href=>предметы интерьера</a>|
<a href=>Французские балконы</a>|
<a href=>Изготовление</a>|
<a href=>Стеклянные полы</a>|
<a href=>Стеклянные лифтовые шахты</a>|
<a href=>Витрины часовых и ювелирных магазинов</a>|
<a href=>козырьки, полы, потолки</a>|
<a href=>балконов и террас</a>|
<a href=>Стеклянные лестницы</a>|
<a href=>Стеклянные лифтовые шахты</a>|
<a href=>Душевые пространства</a>|
<a href=>офисные зонирующие перегородки</a>|
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<a href=>Стеклянные лифтовые шахты</a>|
<a href=>маятниковые, раздвижные, межкомнатные двери</a>|
<a href=>маятниковые, раздвижные, межкомнатные двери</a>|
<a href=>балконов и террас</a>|
<a href=>предметы интерьера</a>|
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Distribution and promotion of goods and services on the Internet, social pages, groups, posts
Hi! You see an ad. The same ad with you text may see many. The same post with your advertising, products or services can be placed on a set of resources, websites, social pages, communities, social networks.
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Prices are cheaper than by others. If you will find a cheaper one – we make a discount for you.
We can filter our data bases on specific topics lists. You get partners, calls and contacts within a few days.
If there is a product or service and no customer - you hit exactly where it is necessary. Within a few days you will receive a barrage of calls and a lot of customers.
We do worldwide distribution of your information.
European countries, USA, Canada, Russia and so on.
Your ad will be everywhere.
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Detailed reports on the work performed.
Distribution and promotion of goods and services on the Internet, social pages, groups, posts.
You see an ad. The same ad with your text may see many. The same post with your advertising,
products or services can be placed on a set of resources, websites, social pages, communities, social networks.
For us there are no borders, nothing is impossible.
You have a product, service and have no customers? You are in the right place today with us.
At this place could be your ad!!!
Our company is engaged in delivery and placing your posts and advertising on the network. We place the posts on blogs, forums, social networks. We promote your social pages, groups, and so on.
Your ads can be placed at more than 700,000 forums and blogs.
Your ad will be everywhere.
We optimize your site, social profile, page or group and make it popular amongst people and search engines.
Prices are cheaper than by others. If you will find a cheaper one – we make a discount for you.
We can filter our data bases on specific topics lists. You get partners, calls and contacts within a few days.
If there is a product or service and no customer - you hit exactly where it is necessary. Within a few days you will receive a barrage of calls and a lot of customers.
We do worldwide distribution of your information. European countries, USA, Canada, Russia and so on. Your ad will be everywhere.
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We will be happy to assist you
2017-01-09 18:13 · Reply · (0)
AvatarNOW ONLINE Добрый день.Продуктивный фитнесс дома
<a href=>лучший фитнес тренер</a>
Индивидуальные тренеровки ,персональный тренер,опытный инструктор подробно расскажет и покажет каждое движение и элемент,
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<a href=>Изготовление</a>|
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<a href=>Балюстрады - ограждения балконов</a>|
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<a href=>Фацетный витраж в окна и двери</a>|
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<a href=>Стеклянные лестницы</a>|
<a href=>Стили интерьера</a>|
<a href=>Стеклянные лифтовые шахты</a>|
<a href=>маятниковые, раздвижные, межкомнатные двери</a>|
<a href=>маятниковые, раздвижные, межкомнатные двери</a>|
<a href=>балконов и террас</a>|
<a href=>предметы интерьера</a>|
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<a href=>Балюстрады - ограждения балконов</a>|
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<a href=>Мебель из стекла</a>|
<a href=>козырьки, полы, потолки</a>|
<a href=>Стеклянные панно</a>|
<a href=>Изготовление</a>|
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<a href=>Балюстрады - ограждения балконов</a>|
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<a href=>Установка и Обслуживание конструкций</a>|
<a href=>Витрины часовых и ювелирных магазинов</a>|
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<a href=>балконов и террас</a>|
<a href=>Стеклянные лестницы</a>|
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<a href=>Душевые пространства</a>|
<a href=>офисные зонирующие перегородки</a>|
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<a href=>Проектирование</a>|
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Distribution and promotion of goods and services on the Internet, social pages, groups, posts
Hi! You see an ad. The same ad with you text may see many. The same post with your advertising, products or services can be placed on a set of resources, websites, social pages, communities, social networks.
For us there are no borders, nothing is impossible.
You have a product, service and have no customers? You are in the right place today with us.
At this place could be your ad!!!
Our company is engaged in delivery and placing your posts and advertising on the network. We place the posts on blogs, forums, social networks. We promote your social pages, groups, and so on.
Your ads can be placed at more than 700,000 forums and blogs.
Your ad will be everywhere.
We optimize your site, social profile, page or group and make it popular amongst people and search engines.
Prices are cheaper than by others. If you will find a cheaper one – we make a discount for you.
We can filter our data bases on specific topics lists. You get partners, calls and contacts within a few days.
If there is a product or service and no customer - you hit exactly where it is necessary. Within a few days you will receive a barrage of calls and a lot of customers.
We do worldwide distribution of your information.
European countries, USA, Canada, Russia and so on.
Your ad will be everywhere.
We do e-mail notifications about the letter read.
Detailed reports on the work performed.
Distribution and promotion of goods and services on the Internet, social pages, groups, posts.
You see an ad. The same ad with your text may see many. The same post with your advertising,
products or services can be placed on a set of resources, websites, social pages, communities, social networks.
For us there are no borders, nothing is impossible.
You have a product, service and have no customers? You are in the right place today with us.
At this place could be your ad!!!
Our company is engaged in delivery and placing your posts and advertising on the network. We place the posts on blogs, forums, social networks. We promote your social pages, groups, and so on.
Your ads can be placed at more than 700,000 forums and blogs.
Your ad will be everywhere.
We optimize your site, social profile, page or group and make it popular amongst people and search engines.
Prices are cheaper than by others. If you will find a cheaper one – we make a discount for you.
We can filter our data bases on specific topics lists. You get partners, calls and contacts within a few days.
If there is a product or service and no customer - you hit exactly where it is necessary. Within a few days you will receive a barrage of calls and a lot of customers.
We do worldwide distribution of your information. European countries, USA, Canada, Russia and so on. Your ad will be everywhere.
We do e-mail notifications about the letter read. Detailed reports on the work performed.
Our contacts
We will be happy to assist you
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