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* samlak As the Federal Government moves to be self-sufficient in food production and supply from 2017, the grasscutter production giant and breeder of crossbreed species of the bush meat, Jovana Farms, has increased grasscutter, rabbit, snail, mushroom, antelope and porcupine production by mass-breeding.
The grasscutter farming business is adaptable to any location. Many owners use the shed, backyard, under the staircase, and kitchen space as sites for grasscutter housing. With the red-meat situation, what it is and the economy in a turmoil now is the best time to consider the grasscutter business. The best way I know to put good food on the table and more naira in your pocket without a large investment is raising grasscutter.
The profits can come in many ways: You can sell your grasscutter fresh/ smoked, the manure for fertilizer, even the breeding family of one male and four females bring millions. The healthy white-meat, however, is by far the most important product for local and export trade.
Crossbreeding is the mating of animals with unrelated genes, which belongs to the same species. It is used to inject new genes into the flock. The advantages may include fast growth rate, heavier breeds, resistance to diseases, fertility rate, meat-carrying ability, etc.
Crossbred grasscutter can help to make emerging farmers successful. Jovana Farms breeds and sells these grasscutters to farmers and top class hotels. The crossbreed thriveS under intensive livestock farming conditions in an environment where the quality of grass is poor. The breed has the ability to convert poor-quality forage into meat at very low cost, enabling livestock farmers in these areas to farm commercially.
Where to get quality grasscutter breeds?
Beat the rush for quality crossbreed grasscutters and giant snail breeders from Jovana Farms. Place your orders today for quality functional animals groomed for profitability. This is a special deal for all serious farmers in Nigeria. Start your grasscutter farming operation with improved species. We have a large quantity of grasscutter breeding colonies ready for sale to intending farmers.
We can deliver any quantity of grasscutters to any destination nationwide. Let’s meet your needs in convenience, quality and quantity with the best grasscutter and snail breeders. Our grasscutter breeds thrive with minimal intervention by the farmer. The grasscutter’s low input costs are what drive the profitability of farming with the special breed. This is what the commercial producer is looking for. Surely, in the nearest future, profitable grasscutter farmers will go for our quality breeds.
Jovana Farms provides information and expertise aimed at sustainability and has trained more than 3,000 farmers in Nigeria and other African countries on profitable grasscutter farming over the past six years.
A farmer with no training, poor-quality animals, and little or no animal health programme, and who suffers high stock losses from mortalities doesn’t remain motivated for long. The market for grasscutter products already exists. New farmers should be provided with the basics upon which to build a business to supply that market. This consists of training, foundation stock, and essential inputs, as well as meaningful mentorship until such stage when the farmer is independent and productive.
However, sustainable production needs to be expanded in order to meet the demands of an increasingly urbanised and affluent population. The health food industry is an under-exploited segment despite its growth worldwide. Grasscutter meat is one of the healthiest white meats available and it can fill a gap in this market segment if marketed correctly and aggressively.
To help prospective grasscutter farmers avoid unnecessary mistakes, Jovana Farms has also embarked on nationwide seminars on animal farming for Nigerians to learn the nitty-gritty of the business in their environment. Those who cannot attend our seminars can order for our self-tutorial VCD & book, and train themselves. The primary objective is to bring this golden opportunity to the doorstep of every Nigerian as a very sure and potent means of conquering poverty.
At Jovana Farms, we are creating wealth for our farmers with quality grasscutter species. We breed functional, hardy, fast growing fertile grasscutters. We have been selectively breeding our grasscutters for many years to produce a grasscutter that performs well in domestication with excellent taste and flavour. We remain committed to providing farmers with improved grasscutter breeders with fast growth and early maturity. Our grasscutter species are always a sure bet, exceeding farmers’ expectations in terms of performance and profitability in all the farms across the country where they are being used.
2016-11-16 15:24 · Reply · (0)

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