According to a study conducted at Cornell University, the antioxidant concentration in hot cocoa is almost twice as strong as red wine. Cocoa's concentration was two to three times stronger than that of green tea and four to five times stronger than that of black tea.
Professor Chang Yong Lee, the leader of the Cornell study, added that the "hot" in "hot chocolate" is important as well. More antioxidants are released when it's heated up.
A cup of hot cocoa contains 611 milligrams of the phenolic compound gallic acid equivalents (GAE) and 564 milligrams of the flavonoid epicatechin equivalents (ECE). The antioxidant gallic acid is used to treat internal hemorrhages, albuminuria (the presence of albumin in the urine, which can indicate kidney disease) and diabetes.
In summary, hot cocoa is of great benefit to the body.
Some of these benefits are
1) prevents heart diseases
2) prevents cancer
3) prevents fatigue
4) facilitates weight loss
5) prevents diabetes
6). boost libido
cocoa powder can also be used for baking
in making cakes , bread , biscuits ,etc.
drink a cup of hot cocoa every morning and stay healthy