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* samlak Although this comes as Islamic advice but I hope it safe a family regardless of religion since marriage is for every individuals
Please note that you can avoid adultery. It is within your power to do it, if you really mean it.
Carelessness is one of the major cause of affair in marriage not devil in the real sense of it as many people always claim when they fall into error. So follow the following simple rules you will never fall into adultery.
1: Never make anybody of the opposite sex your best friend with whom you share intimate discussions.
2: Never be with anybody of opposite sex at the time your spouse must never know you are there.
3: Never talk evil about your spouse in the presence of anybody, they will know you are not happy in your marriage and take advantage of that by showing you fake care and give you what you lack with your Spouse and destroy you.
3: Be proud to use your wedding ring outside, let them know you are married and proud to be.
5: Never visit a website you will not be proud to tell your children and wife/husband you visited.
6: Avoid keeping secrets from your spouse, AFFAIR thrive in secrecy.
7: Avoid confiding in the people of the opposite sex, there should be somebody of your sex you can talk to,don't dig the grave of your marriage with your mouth.
8: Avoid collecting unsolicited gifts and favour from opposite sex. They will ask for sex in return they are not Father Christmas.
9: Avoid thinking that anybody is better than your husband or wife you don't know what their spouses are enduring at home, what you are seeing outside is just a show biz don't be deceived. Grass is only greener in the other compound because it is far from you.
10: Divert all your sexual fantasy towards your spouse. He or she is planted in to your life to satisfy you and keep you holy.
11: Always remember that whatever every woman or man has in his or her body, your spouse has it too and they are not different from each other, it is only faces that are different it is the same package.
12: Deal with any sexual thoughts that is not directed towards your spouse, kill it before it kills you. Sexual error do not begin in the bedroom, it begins in the heart.
12: If you are finding it difficult to deal with it, find a mature Muslim of your sex you can confide in and let the person pray with you, counsel you. Don't die in silence.
Although, I personaly detest this despite its usefulness but make sure the person fears Allah.
13: Before traveling have sex with your spouse and put your mind to it that you will not have sex until you come back, that decision may safe your life and destiny.
14: Men, avoid looking at the front and back side or shape of ladies and imagine what is there, it is stupid, childish­ and dirty to do that, that is what is called lust, what is there is not different from what your spouse has, please don't be stupid sir full of lust.
15: Walk in company with good and Godly men/women if you keep company with adulterer you will become adulterous.
16: Discuss your sexual desire with your spouse and let it be met at home,don't hunt for something that will haunt you later and hurt you deeply tomorrow, your wife/husband has the best, get it at home.
17: Fill your heart with the word of Allah always,this will not give lust a chance in your mind.
18: Make your marriage policy this: if you notice something attractive in an opposite sex, replicate it with your spouse. Examples are buy the dress, sew the style, tell your spouse politely to learn/cook the food, etc that you see and love elsewhere.
19: Always count the cost of adultery, don't just look at the pleasure, look at the pain, loss of integrity, how you will hurt your wife/­husband, children, friends and above all GOD the almighty.
20: Always remember that the enjoyment, pleas­ure and the thrills that is in sex is just for few seconds or minutes, it can not be more than that but its repercussions can last for eternity. Why trading eternity for few seconds, is there wisdom in that?
21: Avoid taking the so called celebrity as your role model, this will make you who you are not somebody else
2016-12-11 11:26 · Reply · (0)

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