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* samlak Since some months back, we have been battling it out with recession, still, Nigerians are becoming stronger every day.
We talk of up to 250% increment in the amount of all major edible items, cost of transportation, building materials, bride price and even the artificial air we enjoy when it seems to be hot.
Upon all this, no increment in basic salary of government and private workers, only the manual skilled men can decide on the suitable amount they wish to render their service or sell their goods in line with the economic conditions.
Despite all this, we cannot do without organizing elaborate parties everyday.
Many started and finished their houses in this same period while others are buying exotic cars at the face of the unbelievable exchange rate of our darling currency.
Iphone7 is very expensive, yet, many bought it already with their hard earned money while some others are changing their mobile gadgets to some other expensive ones.
If you need to be inspired you don't need to go too far, the case of Nigeria and her people is enough to over inspire you because we find a way where there seems to be no way.
There is never an excuse for being a failure as we can survive in any condition so far there is a tiny way.
Despite the fact that we scream at our leaders' errors, we don't allow their mistakes to prevail over us as their issues are been given considerations at our leisure time with bottle of beer and roasted chicken.
Many youths not even mentioning the graduates among them are there struggling to survive, despite the fact that there is no job, yet, many are making it, toiling legally on the street, not even giving in to the condition of the nation but believing in themselves.
Many are even surviving with involvement in PonĀ·zi schemes while the government is still trying to put its house in order and using one finger to warn many to desist from money making machine scheme as the negative effect will be unbearable yet, they gave it free hand to operate.
Even without that Nigerians will still find legal means of getting money as we are full of options inactivated.
Thank God for one of the giants of telecommunications that made data subscription amount to crash across board which makes data affordable for all even though we know they can still do better while we manage the little they have done.
Prior to this time, many youths go for cheats to surf the Internet, but now, the chase is at the barest minimum.
If anyone can survive in Nigeria, apart from war zones, there is no where such person cannot survive as we are naturally survivor.
2016-11-25 08:43 · Reply · (0)

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