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* samlak Is he or she ignoring me?
When suddenly there is something wrong with your partner, when you feel everything is not okay, when you start finding loop holes in a relationship and when your partner ignores you, you know it is time to do something to save your relationship. Following are signs that show your partner is trying to ignore you.
Your partner does not answer your calls and avoid calling you back
Your partner spends more time with friends
Your partner avoids giving you missed calls or sending you text message
You partner does not look forward to meeting you and gives reasons
Your partner says that he or she needs some space
Your partner does not include you in his or her plans anymore
What to do if your partner is avoiding you
If you are sure that your partner is avoiding and ignoring you, you need to make a move. Do not overreact, do not be overanxious, the problem with your relationship might be trivial. Once you have identified the problem, it is time to bring it to the notice of your partner. Hard as it may seem and be difficult to do but it can save you many ugly moments.
Communication, commitment, trust and love are the characteristics of a successful relationship. If your relationship is missing even one of these qualities, it may tumble. Love is like a delicate thread and open communication is the best way to keep the bond strong. If you are feeing that your partner is falling out of love, go and talk to him. Ask him why he is ignoring you. He may keep his cell phone switched off just to avoid you. Meet him in person. Avoid discussing things over the phone, through text messages, via e-mails or through chats. Do it face to face.
Seek explanation
Tell him that you have noticed that he is avoiding you and you need an explanation. Tell him that you would not go without getting proper answers to your doubts. Do not say something that will hurt your partner’s feelings. You are still together. Your partner may be going through a bad phase. He may be depressed as he got rejected in the job interview or he is hesitating to tell you something. Find out the root cause of his behavior. Life will surely get on track once again. However remember you do not have to be forceful and keep calling every minute, demanding an explanation.
Give some space
Sometimes emotions are hard to understand. Give your partner some space. Leave him alone for a few days. When he will be okay, he will get back to you. Meanwhile spend time alone. Let your partner spend time alone so he will get time to know the situation in better ways. Do not argue or blame your partner. Do not say things like, ‘you have changed’ or ‘you are not the one with whom I fell in love at first sight.’It is said, that time heals. Be patient and see whether things improve.
Think again
If you have discussed the reason for his disinterest in you, if you have given him enough time, if you have waited enough to improve the situation and nothing is coming out of it, then it is better you move on. Let go. If the person is the one for you, he will come back. Otherwise that person is just not meant for you. If it is clear that your relationship is going nowhere and is on verge of break-up, do not cling to it.
Believe in yourself and have patience. Avoid explaining to your partner how nice it would be to be together. Stay calm come what may, you will be glad you did. Trust yourself and go on with life. It is not worth a person who does not need or deserve you.
2016-12-11 11:13 · Reply · (0)

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