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* samlak #5 - Become A Freelancer
Yeah! You can make money from your blog as a freelancer. In this respect I mean offering service on short-term contracts. As a freelancer you should have a specified expertise. You can become a content marketer, learn more on how to create high quality content. You can also administer blogs for other bloggers. Bloggers who are part-time bloggers who run very tight schedule will need the help of a blog administrator to keep their audience engaged. There lots of different freelance services you can offer on your blog. To become a freelancer visit Elance, Freelance to find a freelance job.
#6 - Sell Ads
Finally on our list is to sell ads on your blog. Publishing ads on your blog is one the most popular ways through which bloggers make money from their blog. There are many ads network you can publish ads for , but the most popular of this ad networks is the Google AdSense ad network. One prerequisite factor on which you can sell ads on your blog is that you must have the audience. If you don't have the audience, then you can forget about selling ads on your blog as the conversion will be very low and thus low income . Here are some great tips on how to increase traffic to your website. If you have the audience, then consider selling ads from third parties or create your own ads network if you have a very huge audience. One the cons of selling ads on your blog is that the earning can be very low. In other words you will need high conversions to increase your earnings. To make money from Google AdSense is very reliable, but it depends on many factors, this include your preferred niche, the amount of traffic your blog attracts and the placement of your ads. Google AdSense might not earn you as much as the methods mentioned above, but it's still a very great way to earn passive income your blog over a long period of time. You can sign up for Google AdSense by following the required processes. You should have a decent amount of traffic and a good number of original contents on your blog before applying for the program.
The fact remains that blogging is a very serious business. Once you put in the required effort, you will be able to make money from your blog. Gone are the days when you tell your family members or friends you intend to blog and they laugh it off . Thousands of bloggers across the world are earning decent income from their blogs on a monthly bases. You too can do same by following some of the methods outlined in this article.
Source: http://herokeys.com/article/six-ways-to-make-money-from-your-blog/
2016-11-27 06:52 · Reply · (0)

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