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* samlak GPS Location Services
Another way to make your android smartphone battery last longer is by cutting off on location service and GPS, some mobile tech users are fond of constantly monitoring their locations using GPS locations.
Most times you will not notice this because some android applications would have been given GPS access which then runs the underground feature. To make your android smartphone battery last even longer, make sure you turn off GPS/Location Services.
Clearing Background Applications
One of the popular methods to increasing an android smartphone battery life is clearing all running background applications, even most android battery saver applications - applications downloaded to probably increase your android battery life span, the applications will stop background applications from running; this tells you how popular and the usage of this method. Of course your android smartphone may have a RAM of 3GB, or more but this doesn't mean you should not clear the background, running applications you are not using, for example if you open 20 applications at a time and you are just making use of 2 applications, it is advisable to clear the remaining 18 applications because all the 20 apps running will then to drain your battery.
Remove Vibrations
It takes only a few amount of energy for your smartphone to ring while notifying you of an alert or call or any other things of the sort but when you decide to go the way of vibration, you are placing a heavier load on the battery.
It takes a small membrane of the phone speaker to ring but for vibrations, the phone would need to generate enough mechanical energy to set a motor in motion which produces that vibration effect. You are not only draining the battery in the short run, but also impacting the life of your android smartphone battery in the long run.
Choose Priority Notifications
Almost every apps now, if not all of them, are in the habit of cranking up internet time all by themselves to look for updates, add new information to their database and keep afresh and abreast with your activities. Games are not even left out due to the online community that the gaming world is starting to develop now and when these apps find something, they try to let you know by ringing, vibrating, chiming or flashing you the LED. Not only does their jaywalking on the streets of the internet drain your battery, the way they notify you also does damages on its own. Take only the apps you really need and turn on notifications anthem. Kill the notifications on others and even for the ones you have left on, a simple beep would do. And Lastly...
Put Android Phone On Battery Saver Modes
Most android smartphones of today now have some special type of battery saving mode which comes with the android smartphone, its advisable to take advantage of this feature. On the Android 6.0 Marshmallow foe example there is a feature called Doze feature, it reminds you to put your android smartphone on a doze/sleep mode when nit in use; which would help in improving your android smartphones battery life.
So that's all the tips i have on how to make android smartphones battery last a little longer... Take advantage of these tips i have discussed above and be sure to experience new changes to your android smartphone battery life.

Source:- http://www.safaxnet.com/2016/11/useful-tips-on-how-to-make-android.html
2016-11-27 20:45 · Reply · (0)

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