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* samlak * samlak The Painful Pleasure (By TPP)
Since we lived in the outskirts of
Ibadan, i had to board two
different taxis to get to Iwo-Road
(like the extreme end of
the city, where you get buses going
to other parts of the
country). My mum followed me to
Apata where i took a taxi
going to challenge, she waved at me
and smiled with tears
(who does that). I waved at her and i
rememberd the ‘ranti
omo eni to nse’ speech. This means:
remember the son of
whom you are.
You guys know what I’m talking
about, there is no one in
Nigeria that won’t hear this speech
from either or both
parents when going to the university.
These includes stuffs
1. Koju mowe e o: face your studies
2. Ma ko egbe kegbe o: Don’t keep
bad company
3. Ma kobirin o: Don’t follow girls
But since my mum knew me to be
someone that doesn’t
really like ladies, since i don’t talk
to girls in the area, only 1
and 2 above was applicable to me.
To cut the long story short, i got to
Iwo road, and i gave a
small boy 100 Naira to carry my load
for me with his wheel
barrow. I could have carried it
myself, but i just felt that if
everyone should think that way, how
will the poor boy get
his means of livelihood? “At least he
is better than those
guys with no physical disabilities who
beg around.” I said to
Iwent to the Bus, and seeing my
load, the driver said briskly
“E maaa sanwo eru o.” Which means i
will have to pay extra
for my luggage. I nodded my head in
agreement, and asked
him how much that was, he said 200
Naira, after so much
bargaining, and so much chastisement
by the other
passengers, he agreed to take 100
Naira, so with 400 fare,
that will be 500 all together. “Its
not that bad.” I. said to
So we were waiting for the bus to
get filled. You know those
guys now, they won’t move an inch
until the bus is full. I sat
at the third row as the bus has five
rows. I would have sat at
the second row but the driver had
told us that three people
will sit on a row, except the second
row where four people
will sit. Why he said that i didn’t
know, and i don’t want to
know. Because i wasn’t really used to
traveling, i wouldn’t
want anything that would cause me
On my row there was just one space
left as we waited
patiently. One baba with bald head
was already on my left,
“who will be my right hand traveling
partner” I wondered. . .
There she comes, my sitting partner.
As i saw her, i knew she
was also going to resume in OAU. . .
Was I right or wrong? Find out in
Episode 6
2016-11-02 10:57 · Reply · (0)

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