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* samlak CHOICE
(part 9)
How could you this to me? asked salma. What did i do?asked Naseer. You....you....you stammered salma. I what salma?asked Naseer. You made me cry last night...what you did was so painful she said looking at the floor. He stared at her with a smile and he went to her,sat next to her and he said to her"am sorry baby,i didn't mean to make you cry " said Naseer. Am off to work,take care my love he added and he stepped out of the house.
Why is he showering me with so much care,does he not know that, the only reason i married him is to live a comfortable life,hmm! "Me no get time for love o" said salma to herself. Let me call my friend Aisha.
Hello!Amaryah, how are you? salma asked with a smile. Am fine,how are you? salma asked Aisha. Alhamdulillah,replied salma. How is your earring seller husband asked salma. He is fine and the best man in my life replied Aisha. Hmm! I still can't believe you could marry that man said salma. He is human,isn't he? asked Aisha. Yes he is replied salma. Well,even that is enough reason for me to be married to him said Aisha. I hope naseer is fine,you didn't give me the chance to ask about him added Aisha. Yes he is fine and full of surprises,I think he is in love with me said salma. Well,that's a good thing said Aisha. But,I don't feel anything for him said salma,I only married him for his money she added. Salma! When will you stop all this your love for money,learn to love your husband,at least try loving him advised Aisha to salma. Aisha,you know me,you know i don't believe in love said salma. Alright salma,we talk later bye and Aisha hung up.

In the evening salma was sitting in the living room watching a program on the TV. Salamualeikum...waaleikumsalam. Hi love said Naseer. You are welcome said salma. How was your day? she added. "Alhamdulillah" he answered. I made you dinner,I hope you like it said salma. Of course i will love it,the taste doesn't matter,its your effort that matters my love said Naseer. He went to the dinning table,she dished his meal,he tasted it"the food was salty" baby it taste nice he said with a smirk. Thanks Naseer,am glad you love it.

Sweetest you are welcome greeted Aisha to her husband. My heart,the woman who occupies my heart,thank you said Haidar. She moved close to him she held his hands,she stared deep into his eyes and she kissed him passionately. He was happy"after a long stressful day,his wife gave him the best welcome he had ever received. She served his meal,he ate and he was pleased with it,he said to her your food is very delicious,what gift should i give to you. She replied to him by saying "your heart" its all i want. You have it all baby said Haidar.

Haidar visited Naseer at home. Salamualeikum...waaleikumsalam. Salma answered. When she saw him,she started nagging at him. How dare you come to our house, oooh!you are here for money,don't worry,my husband is generous,let me call him for you said salma. Naseer!...Naseer!...Naseer!.... She called. Salma what is it?asked Naseer. This man is her to see you she said. Which man he asked. Haidar,she said. "Subahanallah" said Naseer.

More to come your way Inn shaa Allah.
2017-01-07 13:59 · Reply · (0)

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