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* samlak Tom and his hot wife were playing golf when the ball suddenly goes inside someone's house. They enter the house and see a broken bottle and a man.
MAN: I want to thank you. I am a genie who was trapped for 1000 years in the bottle. I will give you both one wish each, and I will keep one wish for myself.
TOM: I want a billion dollars!
WIFE: I want a house in every country of the world?
GENIE: Done. Done.
TOM: And what is your wish genie?
GENIE: Well, since I haven't loved a woman in a thousand years, my wish is to sleep with your wife.
TOM: Emm...Ok! You're getting us a lot of money. I guess I don't mind.
The genie took the wife upstairs and slept with her for two hours.
After it was over he asked her: How old is your husband?
WIFE answers: 35.
GENIE: Really? And he still believes in genie stories
2016-11-02 04:34 · Reply · (0)

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