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* samlak If you are a blogger, an online marketer or internet geek, you need to know the zip code of your area. I could remember the day want to open an international account, during my registration, i was asked to input town or city zip code, i didn't bothered myself, i just input+234into the text-area box. Then, i clicked on submit application but my application was rejected. I filled everything up again but i received the same answer. Well, i knew something is somewhere, then i start doing online research until i came to understood that i was inputingNigeria dial code(+234> instead of Zip code.
What is dialing code for Nigeria?
Nigeria dialing code is what everybody know or has heard about.Dialing code is used when making an international calls, messages and other stuffs pertaining to that.Every countries has her own dial code. For example,Nigeria Dial code is +234,India Dial code is +91Etc. When i, as a Nigerian want to open an account number, i used+234 80 6886 6068rathan than the number i normally use with Nigeria080 6886 6068. Now, let me talk aboutZip Code
What is ZIP CODE and What are Nigeria Zip Codes?
Zip Code is a postal code which tells us more about a physical geographical location. For example, the day i mistakely type wrong in an online form, i signed in successfully but, i was redirected to an unknown community where i don't know and understand their views, i tried to redeemed the case but put abortive for the same of inputing wrong Zip Code. What am telling you is that your state Zip Code mean more than something to you if you use to do things on the web. Zip Code co
#1. Abuja - 900001
#2. Abia State - 440001
#3. Adamawa State - 640001
#4. Akwa-Ibom State - 520001
#5. Anambra State - 420001
#6. Bauchi State - 740001
#7. Borno State - 600001
#8. Delta State - 320001
#9. Edo State - 300001
#10. Enugu - 400001
#11. Imo State - 460001
#12. jigawa State - 720001
#13. Kano State - 700001
#14. Kaduna State - 800001
#15. Katsina State - 820001
#16. Kebbi State - 860001
#17. Kogi State - 260001
#18. Kwara State - 240001
#19. Lagos (Island) - 101001
#20. Lagos State (Mainland) - 100001
#21. Niger State - 920001
#22. Ogun State - 110001
#23. Ondo State - 340001
#24. Osun State - 230001
#25. Oyo State - 200001
#26. Plateau State - 930001
#27. Rivers State - 500001
#28. Sokoto State - 840001
#29. Taraba State - 660001
#30. Yobe State - 320001
#31. Ebonyi State - 840001
2016-11-18 06:12 · Reply · (0)

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