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* samlak CHOICE
(part 2)
Aisha asked herself,could he be referring to me? Nah! Its can be me,she began to walk fast. The man packed his car,stepped down and went after her. Young lady slow down said the man. This time around,Aisha took to her heels. The man start to laugh,she is so funny,he said to himself. For a lady to run from a man's call,that makes her special in a way he added.

Aisha ran into the house panting. Aisha who's after you?asked Maryam. A man was after me,I didn't know what he wants so i ran as fast as i could said Aisha. Her aunt start to laugh. What's funny? asked Aisha. Nothing said her aunt.

On a Saturday morning Aisha was busy with her house chores when she received a phone call from salma. Hello! Salma how are you asked Aisha. Am fine and you? asked salma. Better in health "Alhamdulillah" said Aisha. Our final year examination time table is out said salma. Really! That's amazing said Aisha. I will be going to school on Monday to get a copy for both of us said salma. That's nice of you,I was actually thinking of getting a copy on the day of the exam,but now you have made it easy for me said Aisha. What are friends for asked salma,talk to you later bye. And she disconnected the call.
I can't wait to write my final exams and be done with school said Aisha to herself.

It was Monday. Salma went to school,she got the copy of their examination time table for herself and Aisha. Salma was at the front of the school waiting for a taxi when a brown new Toyota Camry stopped in from of her. Young lady hoop in for a ride to your destination a young man's voice said to her. She didnt think twice and she hooped in. How are you? Asked the man. Am fine replied salma. My name is Naseer,I work with CBN "central bank of Nigeria" said the man. "I don hammer" said salma to herself. Pleas tell me your name pleaded Naseer. My name is salma,am a final year student of college of education zubis. "Salma" nice name said Naseer. Can i have you cell contact? asked Naseer. Of course why not said salma. What kind of girl gives her contact so easily to an unknown man? naseer asked himself. Anyways,many be i can just have fun with her said Naseer to himself. Thanks for the contact said Naseer. My house is on that end,you can alight here said salma. Thanks for the ride she added. Its my pleasure said Naseer.

Salma! a voice called her,immediately she stepped down from Nasser's car. Oh my God! Said salma....

More to come your way Inn shaa Allah.
2017-01-07 13:40 · Reply · (0)

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