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* samlak Most bloggers have a Facebook fan page or group which helps them connect to their readers or visitors on Facebook. Facebook is known as one of the largest social media and it can be used to drive massive traffic to blog. Most people use their Facebook group or fan page to attract their Facebook friends to their blog by auto sharing the link and details of each blog post on the Facebook Fan page or group.
Sharing post link on Facebook one by one can be stressful. Unlike WordPress, blogger have not plugin that can auto share your post on Facebook but there are social media sharing sites that can auto post your blog post for you. They help keep your Facebook group and fan page up to date, make you drive more traffic daily to your blog.
Today,I will explain how your can use to auto post from your blog Facebook. You must be the admin of your Facebook fan page or group before you can use
How to AutoPost Your Blog Post Using
1. Go to and create an account, if you have one sign in
2. Once you are logged in, click on Automate
3. Now Enter you Blog URL or Feed URL in the Find a Feed Box as shown below
4. Now Click the Plus Icon "+" to Add Your Blog
5. Then Click Next To Connect to Socials
6. Click "Add" and select "Facebook". Make sure you are logged in your Facebook account before you click on Facebook.
7. Follow the steps and Select the Facebook Fan page or group you want to auto post your blog post to.
That's it. You are good to go.
Once you post on your blog, it will automatically post on your Facebook fan page or group. If this article was useful kindly share on Facebook, Whatsapp, twitter, google Plus and other Social networks.
If you worked for you or you encounter any problem, feel free to notify using the comment box.
2016-11-21 21:37 (edited 2016-11-21 21:38 by samlak ) · Reply · (0)

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