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* samlak When the term blogging is mentioned, the question in the mind of most of blogging enthusiasts is what can they gain blogging. Beside this question, bloggers are also seeking ever ending ways to monetize their blogs. Blogging has in recent time become one of "the most guaranteed ways to make money online. Across the world there are bloggers who earn decent income from their blogs, with most of the top bloggers , like Pete Cashmore of Mashable , Michael Arrington of TechCrunch and Mario Lavandeira of PerezHilton who earn more than five-figure income monthly from their respective blogs.
Blogging is all about expressing your passion to the world in realtime. Some bloggers go into blogging all for the fun of it,while many others blog hoping to make money from their blogs. Whichever category you fall into, the fact is that you can actually make money from your blog.
The first step towards earning money from your blog is to offer value of some sort on your blog. You have to get your audience engaged before the conversions can start trickling. The next step is to increase traffic to your website, thus building an interest bound audience and committed visitors to your blog. You can start by creating high quality contents for your blog. Implement the necessary SEO on your blog as well as on all your contents. Promote your blog on popular forums, social media platforms , web directories, blog directories, social media bookmarking sites as well as paid advertising. If you have the audience, you can then start making money from your blog.
There are so many ways you can make money from your blog which can complement your blogging effort.This article will list six "ways to make money from blogging.
#1 - Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is one way to make money from your blog. You can promote affiliate products on your blog. Affiliate marketing is a lucrative way to monetize your blog as you can create a passive income promoting a good product. A great tip to choosing the perfect product to promote is to promote genuine and quality product that is rare. Don't just stick to one promote ,promote more than one product. You should study how to become an affiliate marketer to learn more affiliate marketing tips. There are many products and services you can promote on your blog, a nice step to take is to visit ClickBank or Commission Junction , find and choose products related to your niche. For instance, on this blog I promote web hosting services from some of the best web hosting companies in the world.
#2 - Flip Blogs
Flipping blogs is another great way to make money from your blog. This idea might require you to have a little technical background on web designing. This idea involves setting up a blog, increase traffic to the blog and put it up for sale.On average you can earn $150-200 flipping blogs. A good place to flip your blog is Flippa
#3 - Sell Your Own Product
You can also make money from your blog selling your own product. This website makes on average $250 monthly from sales of my eBook on how to create a 4-figure income monthly. Selling your own product is not only lucrative but it gives you the freedom of mind. A great tip is to start selling from day one, don't wait till you have that huge audience before selling your own product on your blog. You can easily create ebooks in PDF formats by using a Microsoft word or any other .doc text editor to create the contents of your eBook, afterwards convert it to a PDF file preferably with any of this tools. You can use Canva or MyeCoverMaker to create an eBook cover for your eBook.
#4 - Become A Blog Designer
Setting up blogs for individuals and business entities is a very lucrative way to monetize your blog. Like in the case of blog flipping ,you will need some technical knowledge on web designing to be able to standout as a good blog designer. So many corporate bodies and individuals prefer the blogging platform. You can advertise this service on your blog homepage to your audience, use word of mouth advertising to tell friends and social groups about what you do. I setup on average one blog weekly for different type of clients, ranging from individual to corporate blogs.
2016-11-27 06:51 · Reply · (0)

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