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* samlak * samlak The Painful Pleasure (By TPP)
Preparation was in top gear for
resumption. My mum
surprised me when she bought ‘born-
vita’ and peak milk. “I
appreciate your efforts but we don’t
even eat this at home
maami, you don’t have to buy all
this. We are not that rich
and you know it, the money you used
for this provision, you
could have kept it for something
else.” I humbly protested.
She replied immediately ” If i don’t
buy this for you who else
will i buy it for? All my discomfort,
is it not for your comfort,
i toil day and night so that you dont
have to do that. Over
my dead body will you go to school
without provisions. I
want you to be alright, i want you to
enjoy life, “soo gbo oko
mi”, just try and understand me.”
When she had finished saying all
these things, all i could see
was a mother who was willing to
sacrifice her life for her
son, who was willing to sacrifice her
happiness for her son’s.
I was so touched, and didn’t even
know what to say, than to
say thank you ma. I drew closer to
her gave her a hug, and
with tears rolling down my chicks i
said “I will never let you
down maami.” She replied saying “I
trust you son, i know
you won’t.”
Though my mum was so happy that i
finally gained the long
awaited admission, but she still can’t
believe that her one
and only son will leave her to go to
Ile-Ife. But what can the
poor woman do, will she ask me not to
go? Hell no! She
won’t do that, she was as happy as i
was as far as the
admission is concerned. I thought for
a while and then i
started having mixed feelings as
regards the admission.
“Well it’s not like I’m going for life,
i consoled myself.
The resumption date was clearly
stated- 13th of June 2011.
Well, i had less than a week to go and
i was so ready to face
the new life, meet new people, learn
new things, unlearn
some things, teach people stuffs,
correct wrong impressions
and become new.
People were giving me money from
different angles. “Pele o,
omo ile-iwe gba koo fi se owo oko.”
They were always
tipping me, and my mum won’t stop
telling them about my
going to school. “Omo yin n lo school
ni next week o” which
means: your child is going to school
next week. Am i really
their child? No I’m not, but Yoruba
people have funny ways
of talking e.g “se o ti ri aburo e.”
This means: have you seen
your younger sibling, when you are
probably from Ibadan,
and the person being referred to as
your sibling is from
Kaduna. But i actually enjoy the
whole stuff, because once
they call me someone’s child, that
person must ‘shake
body’ (meaning the person must give
me money). Since my
father is no more, “whoever gives me
money is my father
jare” i said, smiling.
The day finally came, and all i had
to carry was my ‘2 by 6’
mattress, the few clothes i have, my
provisions, and some
food items (garri in particular). And
i headed straight to the
What happened next? Find out in
Episode 5.
2016-11-02 10:53 · Reply · (0)

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