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* samlak WordPress is a Content Management System (CMS) software that you can use to create a beautiful website, blog or app and at such makes things easier for its users. There are over 40,000 plugins in the wordpress store ( www.wordpress.org).
I will be listing down the top 5 plugins to use for a wordpress site and the are;
Akismet:Akismet is a plugin that fights and blocks spam contents and attacks. Spam are unwanted contents which can be email messages, especially emails that advertise something. Akismet takes the pain out of managing comment spam(i.e it filters spam from comments). You can get akismet from wordpress store.
Jetpack:Jetpack is the number one plugin for a wordpress site. It is referred as the mother of plugins because it can perform the work of some other single plugins from related posts, sharing buttons, comments and subscription system as well as checking site stats, jetpack also protects your site from attacks and helps you get more traffic through sharing buttons.
Jetpack features;
*. Traffic growths and insights
*.image performance
*.centralised management
*.custom CSS, contact forms galleries and carousels.
SEO by Yoast: For search engines like google to be able to index your site, your site should be optimized and search engine optimization is one of the important things to do as a blogger or site owner. And tom achieve this, this SEO by Yoast is a plugin for site optimization.
Yoast features;
*. Focus Keyword and content analysis
*.Post titles and meta descriptions
*.Robots meta configuration
*.Readability check
*.XML sitemaps e.t.c
W3 Total Cache:w3 total cache is a plugin that is designed for the loading speed of your wordpress site which will improve visitors experience and use. Improve the user experience for your readers without having tochange wordpress or your theme.
Contact Form 7:Contact form 7 is a plugin that helps you create multiple contact forms without extra coding. You can customize the form and the mail contents with simple mark-up.
2016-11-29 05:36 · Reply · (0)

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