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* samlak * samlak The Painful Pleasure
As i gently removed the hands, and turned
back to see who
it was, I saw Sandra standing behind me with
that Smile of
hers. “I thought I would never see you again” I
said to her
holding her hand. “It’s a small world
remember?” She said to
me. . . I introduced her to Mayowa and they
shook hands.
The three of us stayed at a spot, and enjoyed
the opened
The party was so interesting, as we enjoyed
the various
programmes. Some OAU upcoming artistes
some did a rap, others R and B. It was so much
Fun. The
popular “Jadon P” Swayed people of their feets,
this was a
guy who could create rhymes with whatever you
show him.
As if that was not enough, some girls came on
stage, shaking
their ‘backsides’ at the speed of light. Guys
were shouting
and encouraging these girls. “Who does that?
How would you
come on stage and shake your behind for 5
minutes?” I said.
“It’s called twerking.” Sandra replied. After
this, a comedian
came on stage, cracking jokes and for real,
this guy was
really hilarious. Sandra was just laughing like a
The MCs came on stage, they wanted to do
what they called
“devil’s basket”. So they were passing a basket,
so that when
the music stops, if the basket was still with
you, you will
come out, pick a piece of paper from the basket,
and do
whatever is written in it, or pay a fine of one
The basket went round and they stopped the
music. Guess
who was holding the basket? Sandra! I was
shocked when
the MCs shouted “come on stage”. She mounted
the stage,
picked a piece of paper and gave it to one of
the MCs, he
read it out. It reads “Bring out two guys, kiss
one, and slap
the other.” I was expecting that as a big girl,
she would pay 1
thousand, but i was extremely surprised when
she came to
Mayowa and I, and took both of us to the
stage. I was so shy,
but as a cool guy i had to compose and follow
her. I was
puzzled, because she was definitely going to
slap one of us,
and kiss the other. If she should kiss me, she
would have to
slap Mayowa, leaving Mayowa embarrassed.
And if she
should kiss Mayowa (which didn’t really seem
likely) she
would have to slap me, and i will be so
embarrassed. As we
got to the stage. . .
What did Sandra do? Who did she slap? Who did
she kiss?
Find out in Episode 10
2016-11-02 11:15 · Reply · (0)

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