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* samlak Solar panel is the best permanent solution to constant power outage, unavailable electricity and increasing price of electricity. More still, when you want to be part of the save our environment train. Solar energy is free, renewable and with no emissions. They therefore make for an ideal alternative to grid electricity.
Solar panel provides electricity directly and indirectly always. Their energy is stored up in battery banks. This stored energy is used at night when there is no sunlight. It is recommended one still connects to the grid even while connected to solar power. However you will rely less on the grid leading to low energy bills from the grid.
It is worthy to note that a solar panel will do well even when the weather is not hot. Panels only need UV light to work. Researches have proven that cold weather is beneficial to solar panels as they conduct electricity better in cold conditions. Simple proof is seen from Germany which has cold weather but still a leader in solar technology. Shadingis the major thing that affects solar panels seriously.
Solar panels require very little maintenance and can be expected to last for decades. They work perfectly in combination with your existing grid. It is a seamless automatic switch between solar and public utility.
Price of a solar panel have become more affordable than ever over the last few years and there are plenty of options to choose from. The best choice for you should depend on a lot of factors such as budget, the amount of electricity your house needs, available space for the panels and many other things. If you are on a tight budget it is best to start small and scale up but it is best you make provisions for that scale up ab-initio for eg if you would like a 3kw system but can start with 500w, it is best to run the cabling for 3kw so you don’t have to start changing cables when you are ready.
Initial investment is usually large but then done once and for all. It will save you a great amount of money in the long run. The electricity from the sun is generated infinitely and free. Depending on what your system ends up like, you cut down your bills significantly, pay nothing at all and enjoy uninterrupted power supply.
2016-12-12 08:34 · Reply · (0)

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