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* samlak CHOICE
(part 1)
Now that we are about to pass through school "I mean now that we are about to graduate" what will you do after graduation? Asked Aisha to salma. Me!am am praying i get married to a very rich man,said salma with a smile. A rich man?why rich?why not a man who loves you? asked Aisha. Too many questions,which do i answer first,Said salma. Well,I want a man who will buy me all the material things i need said Salma,does that answer all your questions?she added.
Yes,that answers my questions. But still i advice you get married to a man who loves you and a man you love too,said Aisha. Aisha,am not like you who wants love,I want money and comfort and it i shall get,said salma. May Allah(s w t) bless us with what we need(Ameen)prayed Aisha. Ameen replied salma.
Aisha is a lady who just clocked 20 and is about to round up her NCE programme. She stays with her elder sister Maryam,that's because her parents are no more.
Salma is of the same age with Aisha,but she stays with her parents.

Aisha! her sister called. Pleas go to the market and buy me these items on the list,Aunt Maryam said to her. Ok,let the collect my hijab from my room said Aisha. She collected her hijab and she found her way to the market. She bought all the items listed on the list and she found her way home,on her way home,she saw salma in a car with a man. What could salma be doing in that car with that man old enough to be her father. Perhaps he is her uncle,Aisha said to herself. Let me rush home,she added.

Aunt Maryam,these are the items you sent me to get from the market said Aisha. Thank you Aisha,said Maryam. Pleas i forgot to add ginger and garlic. Can you pleas get them for me from Mallam shehu's stand,pleaded Maryam. Yes i can,said Aisha. She stepped out again and went to get the ginger and garlic. On her way back home, A car horned at her. Hy lady may i talk to you,A man's voice shouted. Aisha.......

More to come your way. Inn shaa Allah
2017-01-07 22:39 · Reply · (0)

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